Ideas, strategies and projects that give rise to pilot projects. They tackle the challenges raised by the stakeholders involved and which are found in particular places in Barcelona or Medellín.
Casa Vida is a shelter for children and teenagers who have been subjected to sexual abuse or exploitation. Its aims are to ensure that their rights and those of their families are restored over the course of various phases (shelter, long-term residence, empowerment, independence and follow-up) and to facilitate a process of integrated interaction that will enable them to join society thanks to a range of strategies and programmes implemented by educators, mediators and other professionals.
Casa Vida is a pilot project launched in 2014 that is due to have increased powers and responsibilities in the coming years. It is part of the Growing Up with Dignity programme run by Medellín City Council and is a response to the priorities detailed in the 2012-2015: Medellín a Home for Life development plan.