22.06 - 17.09 Barcelona

Ideas, strategies and projects that give rise to pilot projects. They tackle the challenges raised by the stakeholders involved and which are found in particular places in Barcelona or Medellín.


I have been working in coordination with the Musical Institute Diego Echavarria, with a group of children from the institution, ranging in age from six to eight years. The working method is to provoke the interest of children related with the house and their urban habitat, from which the children gathered at the workshop, progressively express their perceptions about topical issues such as My House, My Street, My Neighborhood, My City, both in terms of presence and of absence.

The dynamics of the workshops, start from “provocation”. During the activities, children are assisted by a workshop leader, who acts as a facilitator, offers children various materials for expression and guides the process without inducing the answer. Simultaneously, a documenter notes what happens, record vocals and / or film moments of the process. Then the material is collected and interpreted the teaching group who select relevant results.

In this process the kids investigate and discover. They learn and build an experience of knowledge from their own concerns and thoughts, sometimes individually, sometimes collectively. The result is unpredictable but not improvised. It is based, from the pedagogical and conceptual point of view, in current educational approaches and ethical-political principles, which stand “The Right to the City”, as a universal and inclusive law for all people of all ages . Finally, the staging will result from a selection of photographs taken from the material produced in the workshop and applied as wallpaper of the “Triptych” or “wardrobe-house” -flat, as an expression of recognition or rejection the children have from their city or what can be named as denial of the city.


Marco Aurelio Montes


Right to the city

