Ideas, strategies and projects that give rise to pilot projects. They tackle the challenges raised by the stakeholders involved and which are found in particular places in Barcelona or Medellín.
SostreCívic (CivicRoof) is a not-for-profit user and housing cooperative that aims to offer practical ideas and solutions in the field of housing and social urban design for governments, individuals, groups and companies, to make a society that is more just and respectful towards people and the environment, based on non-speculative values and uses of housing.
SostreCívic promotes a new form of access to dwellings based on the housing cooperative model, according to which the building belongs to the cooperative, and members participate and enjoy an indefinite, transmissible use of the dwelling by means of an affordable, refundable down payment and an equally affordable monthly payment.
Princesa 49 is an unused building in the Barcelona neighbourhood of El Born whose surface rights have been ceded by the Council to SostreCívic. The building is intended for families with varying incomes. Each family can take part in designing and building the spaces, and get training in assisted self-construction. On the basis of processes of participation of the agents involved, the aim is to create a convivial model with shared productive spaces for the community, ranging from urban allotments to communal living rooms, and to implement renewable subsistence energy sources, urban allotments and biomass heating and cooling systems.